Bitan, Roni

Bitan, Roni

Son of-Joliet and Yitzhak. Born on 7 March 1968 in Safed, he was the ninth of the ten children of the family, where he studied at the Beirav Elementary School and continued at the vocational school in Carmiel with the aim of making a woodwork.Roni graduated from high school The religious kollel in the name of “K” is a student of Ma’alot, who was saved several times from the disasters that occurred to him: Roni was a quiet, obedient, diligent and responsible student, and Pinchas Vaknin, from the vocational school in Karmiel, The deputy principal of the Safed Comprehensive School notes his humility, which did not prevent him from being sociable and accepted by his friends. Roni was drafted into the IDF in March 1989. He volunteered to serve despite the exemption he received, and was assigned to a transport base unit. Roni was killed during his service on the first day of Adar 5751 (14 February 1991) and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Safed and left behind his parents, four brothers and five sisters – Yaakov, Meir, Zion, Jacqueline, Yocheved, Dalia, Aryeh and Miriam In a letter of condolences to the family, the unit commander writes: “Your son excelled diligently, in the peace of mind and in the good atmosphere he served in his work and in the performance of his duties … Your son was an example of the other soldiers of the unit”

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