Birger, David

Birger, David

Son of Zelig Vitti. He was born on 3 May 1919 in the city of Czortkow, Poland, and at the age of six he received his father and because of the economic situation of the family he could not study without interruption at the elementary school. When World War II broke out in 1939, the town of Czortkow fell to the Red Army, and in January 1940, he was drafted into the Red Army with his comrades and sent to another city. He had contact with the family, but in the meantime he learned that all his family members had perished and only his brother managed to escape from the ghetto. He went on to Germany, took part in several battles, and was released in 1945. He remained in Katowice until March 1946 and then escaped from Poland through Czechoslovakia, Austria, And in Italy, where he lived in Israel, and in June 1948 he arrived at the shores of the country to which he had taken his life, and immediately after his arrival in Israel he joined the IDF. He served in the IDF continuously as a sergeant major until the day he passed away on May 30, 1967. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa, leaving a wife and two daughters.

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