Birenbaum, Yoel-Aharon

Birenbaum, Yoel-Aharon

Son of Yitzhak and Zvia. He was born on the 27th of Adar 5707 (27.2.1947) in the city of Ulm in Germany, where he immigrated to Israel on Sukkot of the following year, He was educated in Manara and completed his studies in elementary school and even in the following classes in the “Har V’Gai” joint school, which was prominent among his friends and was a social center. The plantation, out of devotion and acquisition of knowledge, planned to continue high school on his return home after serving in the IDF; He said to study medicine. He was gifted with dramatic talent and excelled in musical tendencies and even learned to play various instruments (such as a recorder and an accordion). Thanks to these talents, the living spirit was at parties and in social events. He was drafted into the IDF in November 1965, successfully passed the pilot’s test and expressed his desire to enlist in this corps, but the agriculture was decisive and he was not recruited there because he volunteered for the Nahal Brigade. He fell in the line of duty on 20 Adar I 5727 (March 1, 1967) and was brought to rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Manara. The agriculture produced a pamphlet in his memory and in his name.

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