Bineth, Meir Max

Bineth, Meir Max

Son of Yosef and Amalia. Was born on June 27, 1917 in the city of Zumbatli, Hungary, during the First World War, and his father served in the Hungarian army in January 1919. In January 1919, the family returned to Germany, Yavneh “in Cologne and belonged to the Bachad movement (Brit Halutzim Dati’im). In 1935 he immigrated to Israel together with his parents in an illegal way through Belgium and May of that year reached the shores of the country. Meir was fluent in Hebrew, English and German and heard French, Italian and Persian. He was very musical and could play different instruments. He also had a talent for painting and writing. During the riots of 1936-1939 Meir was found in Kfar Hasidim and there he underwent a military course. From 1939-1941 he worked as a shipman in the port of Tel Aviv and as of 1939 was a member of the “Magen David”. He then worked for four years on behalf of Solel Boneh in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, responsible for the Department of Fine Mechanics. During those years he taught Jewish youth to Aliyah and from 1946 he studied in the fields of radar and electronic engineering. After the outbreak of the War of Independence, Manoah did not know how, and in February 1948, he was recruited to Israeli intelligence and worked as an agent in Arab countries. He returned to Israel in 1952. From 1952 to 1954, he served as an Israeli intelligence emissary in Egypt under the cover of a German businessman, following the fall of a Jewish espionage and espionage network by the Egyptian secret service, known as the “shameful affair.” Months of interrogations and torture in an Egyptian prison on the 21st of Kislev 5712 (21.12.1954) where he ends his life, the day before he should He was put to trial at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, where he was promoted to the rank of Major, and Meir left a wife and a daughter.

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