Biham, Yuval

Biham, Yuval

Son of Yochanan and Aliza. He was born on September 19, 1940 in Jerusalem. He spent his early days on Mount Carmel absorbing the splendor of the mountains and the sea. It seems that the tranquility of this landscape affected his soul to a great extent. At the age of five, he traveled with his parents for a few years to the United States. The new environment, the living conditions unknown to him and the foreign language actually left a positive impression on the boy and helped to promote his development. When he returned to Israel with his parents and soon became absorbed in the company, joined the Scout movement and at school became interested in technical and mechanical matters. He loved music and worked in various sports, such as swimming and basketball. After graduating from high school in Beit Hakerem, he was drafted into the IDF in October 1958 and later volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade, after graduating to study economics and statistics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he attained the BA degree. He did not see economics as practical but as theoretical and wanted to deal with practical matters. During his studies at the university, he worked for the Bank of Israel Research Department and later at the Economic Planning Authority of the Prime Minister’s Office, in 1963 he married and three years later he was born They have a child – and an occupation He was very old and his many roles did not prevent him from giving in to them with great love, but his age and maturity helped him overcome various difficulties in life, treating people and things very seriously, but at the same time he had the joy of my life and all his actions were spiced with his healthy sense of humor. The Six Day War was called for reserve duty and in the battle that took place on the second day of the battles, on May 26, 1967, a sniper hit him in the Old City of Jerusalem, killing a wife and a child of about a year. Was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After he fell, KKL-JNF planted the “Four-Grove” in the Jerusalem hills in memory of the four who fell in the Six-Day War – and Yuval among them. The book “Marinas Gabro” of the Paratroopers Command is presented in his biography and description of his last battle. The story of his life and death was presented in the book “Nizkor”, edited by Yehuda Ha-Ezrahi, published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and its student union.

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