Bienenfeld, Yoel
Ben Tzvia and Shabtai. Yoel was born on January 7, 1966 in Moshav Tal Shahar, near Beit Shemesh. On July 4, 1990, Yoel joined the Israel Police. He served in the Border Police, Judea and Samaria District, and during the service he advanced to the rank of advanced sergeant. In 2003 he was awarded the Medal of Courage for exemplary activity. Yoel fell in battle in Emanuel on December 12, 2001. In the incident, terrorists attacked a bus at the entrance to the village and murdered nine civilians. Yoel was thirty-five years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the regional cemetery in the village of Uriya. Survived by a son, parents and brothers. After his fall, Yoel was promoted to the rank of senior sergeant. On Joel’s gravestone, the family wrote: “We will never forget, those who loved and loved you forever.”