Bickel, Aaron

Bickel, Aaron

The only son of Shlomit and Yehuda was born on August 14, 1929, in the town of Dvorna, Galicia, where he immigrated with his parents to Eretz Israel, where he settled in Haifa and Aharon completed his school in Kiryat Motzkin. A talented youth completed the two high grades of the high school in a short period of time and completed the government matriculation exam, and joined the Haganah at the age of 14, Corporal). With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he immediately volunteered to serve as a lieutenant in the Carmeli Brigade, and he was moved to a combat company, even before the disbanding of the guards and the fighting in Ramat Yochanan, the liberation of Haifa, And on the front of Mishmar Hayarden, on the 3rd of Sivan 5708 (June 10, 1948), he fell in Ramot Naftali, when he and his men defended the Yishuv. When he realized that the ring of encirclement was about to close for him and his comrades, he ordered half of his group to withdraw and with the other half he withdrew to Haifa until he was killed. He was buried in Ramot Naftali. On the 16th of Adar 5706 (16.3.1950) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa.

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