Bichchi, Yehuda (Leon)

Bichchi, Yehuda (Leon)

Son of Sarah and Abraham. Born in 1888 in Istanbul, Turkey, where he completed his studies. In 1933 he immigrated with his wife and six children to Palestine and the family settled in Haifa. Despite the difficulties of absorption and the difficult economic situation that prevailed in that country, Yehuda managed to get a job at the Even-Sid quarry in the Haifa area and support his family. Aware of the general security situation of the Yishuv, he joined the ranks of the Haganah and took part in various activities against the Arab rioters. On November 21, 1938, Yehuda fell from an unknown assassin’s bullet in the Borges Street in Haifa and was laid to rest in the city’s cemetery. He left a wife, four boys and two girls.

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