Bibi, Moshe

Bibi, Moshe

Son of Zahava and Jacob, was born on October 12, 1962 in Jerusalem. When Moshe was five years old, the Six-Day War broke out, and his father was killed there. He stayed with his mother and brother, who was younger than him. Moshe began his studies at the Uziel Model School in Jerusalem and studied there for four years. The family then moved to Eilat, where Moshe studied in grades 5-6 at the Ye’elim school. The family returned to Jerusalem, and Moshe continued his studies in junior high and vocational high schools at the “Denmark” school. He graduated from the Department of Mechanics. In November 1980, Moshe enlisted in the IDF, took a professional course and served in an administrative position, and was twice praised for his work in June 1981. In June 1981, Moshe was promoted to corporal, and a few months later was promoted to sergeant. His progress was rapid, following the recommendations recommended by his commanders, who appreciated him. In June 1982 he was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and on the way to the Neve Yaakov-Atarot road, Moshe was seriously wounded and died of his wounds. Moshe was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, leaving a mother and brother.

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