Bibi, Hagai

Bibi, Hagai

Ben Tzvia and Nissim, brother of Lilach and Moran, was born on September 9, 1979 in Jerusalem. The family lives in Ma’aleh Adumim, where Hagai studied at the Tomer Rachel Elementary School and at the Dekel Vilnai Junior High School and graduated from high school in the village of Rana Kasan in Pisgat Ze’ev. Hagai grew up and was educated in a warm and supportive home, which nurtured character traits and values, such as kindness, care, concern and sensitivity to those around him, combined with inexhaustible energy, courage, responsibility and determination made him a favorite of his friends and teachers. Zionism was rooted in Haggai and for it he was willing to sacrifice everything, even his life. As early as his childhood, the qualities that made him an admired commander began to sprout. Hagai grew up and became a handsome young man who decided to serve in the IDF as a combat soldier, and was the first to arrive at Haggai Brigade “In spite of his injured knee, he successfully passed the difficult training stage and was sent after nine months to a class commanders’ course, a hard and demanding course, physically and mentally, and he successfully completed the course. Command and responsibility, and was sent to the officers’ course, after which he returned to the battalion as a platoon commander. Hagai served as commander of a platoon of thirty fighters, a position that required high command capabilities, which he had successfully achieved. Hagai knew all his soldiers personally and took care of them as a pain that cared for his sons – stroked, strengthened and encouraged when necessary. His next job was an operations officer in Lebanon, after which he continued to develop and advance in his positions. Hagai was sent to a company commander’s course – the most prestigious in the Israel Defense Forces, and Hagai was found to be tough on the job and on the personal level, On the other hand, he was interested in his soldiers and cared for them and the conditions of his service, and he cultivated soldiers who had not completed any other framework before, and this was the secret of Hagai’s charm, which he believed in, strengthened their security and prepared them in the best possible way. At one point, Hagai is offered to continue in the army, and during the difficult period of a straight state “At the beginning, before you knew yourself as soldiers, I always believed that you were the best,” he told his soldiers at the end of the route. For those who choose to be a commander in the Givati ​​Brigade, invest in soldiers and do not forget that you are first of all people. As commanders you will be real and do not give up on the standards you have set for yourself and most importantly the soldiers will trust you in battle! A combat path of one and two months, which we end, some call it suckers, but I call it Zionism, giving and true love. Warriors and commanders, do a lot, always influence and aspire to more. You will advance in the chain of command in the army, but most importantly continue to be proud of your country. May the Guardian Angel always stand by you / Get out for help and support you when you stand / Hold your hand and lead you through the difficult ways / All our days are our lives in constant change / There are times of sorrow and tears. And the distances will be continuous / happy and not lonely / Life will give you the most beautiful gifts – Couples to love / and friends you can trust / Appear for you Rainbow / Faith”From the beginning of basic training until the end of the course we were a model for admiration and admiration, a role model, an excellent commander, a commander of high operational ability. And now we are writing from the heart, as your soldiers, to us as a worried father, and we knew that in times of trouble we could rely on you, whether it was routine, battle or battle. You gave us a feeling of pride in the company, we marched proudly … and you were at every opportunity that you fought for us. “Hagai is appointed to the platoon’s platoon company. This company carries out most of the high-quality operational activities. Hagai plays a significant role as commander of the Palmach, striving for Kadima and looking for ways to contribute more and more to himself, and his personality traits contributed to the character of the battalion and nurtured a cohesive, high-quality company that supported each other, “I think I could not ask another commander – except you. “I would have rushed you into the worst and most terrible hell with my eyes closed.” Hagai excelled in the eyes of his commanders, a distinction that received a formal status, When he was recommended by the brigade commander to receive a medal of excellence from the Chief of Staff, this privilege was reserved for special officers, very senior officers. This status was a source of pride for the battalion, the company, the command, and first and foremost for Hagai. Hagai showed resourcefulness, courage, determination, responsibility. All these and more helped him realize his great potential. During the course of his combat service, he was awarded 10 certificates of honor and excellence, each of which contains a story of fighting, determination, responsibility and professionalism. In one word – heroism. On December 28, 2003, Hagai was killed in a battle in the Kissufim area, and on the same day, the observation post on the Kissufim route identified an armed terrorist about forty meters from the route. Hagai, who knew that the terrorist on his way, determinedly, courageously, and boldly, began to approach the axis, by unloading his leg in order to kill the terrorist, and then the terrorist surprised him at very close range. Leonardo tried to respond, but the terrorist also hit him.Carry Leonardo Weissman was killed next to Haggai Hagai was buried in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl and was survived by his parents and two brothers A. After his fall, Hagai was promoted to Major. Hagai and Leonardo were killed while carrying out a mission to protect the residents of Gush Katif. They displayed courage and coolness, determination and purpose, and paid for it with their lives. Their death is the death of heroes, who paid with their lives for the defense of the homeland. On April 21, 2004, GOC Southern Command Dan Harel gave a citation to Hagai’s family for striving for contact with determination, courage and devotion to the mission. By observing an armed terrorist crawling towards Pillbox 21 in the Kissufim corridor. Major Hagai Bibi, who was commander of the neighboring sector at the time, listened to the communications network, took responsibility for the incident and together with his deputy, Capt. Alex (Leonardo) Weisman z “l, was alerted to the incident and acted with all the IDF officials in the area, and upon their arrival Major Hagai Bibi zipped down and narrowed the range with the terrorist.He was hit by the terrorist and killed. In this operation, Major Hagai Bibi demonstrated courage in pursuing contact and taking command responsibility in a neighboring area that is not his responsibility, and thus demonstrated moral conduct worthy of imitation by IDF commanders. ” Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz wrote: “Hagai was one of the most outstanding commanders in the field, and thanks to his courage and his leadership, the State of Israel continues to maintain its life, we loved Hagai, we appreciated Hagai and his soldiers followed him with his eyes closed. Brig. Gen. Gad Shamni, commander of the Gaza Division: “I met a charming guy with a tremendous temperament, radiant power and authority and very sensitive to people. He had combat experience, courage, and rare operational insight for a young officer of his age. He always stood his ground, said what he thought, his mouth and heart were equal, the soldiers always stood before him and the task was above all else. I will always remember him – his full height, the smile, the confidence he has placed on all of us. Lt. Col. Tal Hermoni, Commander of the Tzabar Battalion: “Your presence has instilled confidence, and in all your steps you have always taken pride, warmth and love, and all your commanders have cherished and appreciated you. The good ones in the field commanders, it is no coincidence that your grandfather, Leonardo, said that he is willing to die for you. The story of your fall, Haggai, is an example and heroism. With your fall, you will leave a legacy on which we aspire to educate many generations of soldiers and commanders in the brigade and the IDF. ” The commander of the brigade, Col. Eyal Eisenberg, writes: “A beloved son, a beloved brother, went with him with his smiling eyes, his unique presence, his conquering beauty. Haggai’s heroism came from the education at home and from the strength of his personality, a strength that expressed the rare courage he had. Hagai fought out of a sense of absolute responsibility, out of the need for a commander to stop the evil before he did his plot, before harming the innocent or his soldiers whom he called his children. Strength of leadership and determination. A wonderful officer of unquestioned giving, for whom the impossible is attainable. “Capt. Liron Batito, the company commander, says:” Your spear company, the one you loved so much, continues to be the way it was. We are doing holy work in order to preserve “Bibi is a model commander, a charismatic leader, a charismatic leader who everyone follows.” Bibi is a broad and loving heart, it is a concern for individuals and endless giving for the sake of all, for the sake of all. Bibi is a discipline, professionalism, a descent into detail and a constant striving for victory. / Bibi is the pride of the family – of father and mother, of the sisters, of grandparents and everyone who won Bibi is a true friend, one who knows that when you need him, he will arrive unconditionally and help from the heart / Bibi is a rare courage, under fire, in the face of an enemy, sacrificing himself for the homeland. He is no longer with us, it is a great yearning and a great love.

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