Bialka (Weiss), Shmuel

Bialka (Weiss), Shmuel

Son of Avraham, born in Poland in 1917, immigrated to Palestine in 1938. In Palestine, he joined the “Lohamei Herut Yisrael” underground and took part in attacks on the British. His underground name was Aharon. When he was caught by the authorities, he was sent to the detention camps in Mizra and Latrun and ran away in the group of 20 who dug the tunnel from the camp beyond the barbed wire fences. After the escape, he devoted himself to building the Lehi bunkers and he himself lived in one of those bunkers, where he sat in the light of a lukewarm lamp somewhere in Rehovot and Bnei Brak. His health was weakened by the lack of air, but Shmuel continued his work underground. When Lehi joined the IDF he enlisted with his comrades in the underground and was assigned to an armored and reconnaissance battalion in the 8th Brigade. On November 7, 1948, Shmuel was killed during the occupation of the Iraq-Suiden Police and brought to rest in the military cemetery in the village of Warburg, and was published in the London Daily Express, The underground that the government was looking for, as a member of the underground did not leave a picture, documents or letters.

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