Betzalel, Shmuel

Betzalel, Shmuel

Born in 1909 in the city of Hiraat, Afghanistan, Shmuel immigrated to Israel in 1930. He settled in Jerusalem and found a living in various jobs, and in 1940 he joined the Nutras, later became a contractor for construction work. He was a member of the “People’s Guard” in Jerusalem, and his devotion to his position did not diminish even after his firstborn son Zion fell in the battle for Gush Etzion. His spirit was broken when his son past away(who was also his assistant in the workshop), but he did not abandon the campaign in the “People’s Guard” until on the 21st of Iyar 5708 (May 21, 1948) From the danger of not being harmed by the shelling of the enemy, he himself fell from one of the shells and was buried in Sheikh Bader A. He left a wife and seven children. After a while, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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