Berman, Yisrael-Yaakov

Berman, Yisrael-Yaakov

Yisrael-Yaakov, son of Bluma and Ovadia Berman was born in 1929, in Vizhnitz, Bukovina and immigrated with his parents to Israel in 1935. The family settled in Kfar Hasidim. He stopped high school and began working in a bookshop in Haifa in order to relieve his family of the financial burden. He was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement and was active in the Haganah from his youth. Yisrael-Yaakov was a quiet, modest fellow. He participated in the struggle against foreign rule and various acts of sabotage. His parents who feared for his safety. He told them, “The homeland comes before father and mother.” Yisrael-Yaakov enlisted in full service in the Carmeli Brigade in 1948. He completed a paramedics course, took part in activities in the Haifa area, and assisted many combat members. He fell on 6 Nissan, April 15, 1948, giving first aid to a wounded soldier, in the battle for Ramat Yochanan. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kfar Hasidim.

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