Berman, Yaakov

Berman, Yaakov

Son of Moshe and Rachel. He was born on the 3rd of Adar 5702 (February 20, 1942) in Kibbutz Gat, where he completed his elementary studies at the educational institution, loved the freedom and the distant and vanished space behind the horizon and joined the Israel Air Force when he joined the IDF in July 1961. Served as a pilot In the air force, because he recognized the importance of this service to the state. He rose to the rank of lieutenant. In every operation he searched for the Yaffa and the fun. Even when he was in a parachuting course he found in him a pleasure rather than a deterrent. There was a poetic soul in it. After the hardships of the day, he used to sit in the doorway of his tent and gaze at the sunset and soak up the sparkling beauty on the sands of the seashore. On the 24th of Elul 5726 (August 24, 1966) he fell in the line of duty and was put to rest in the cemetery where he was born, leaving a wife and child, who was half a year old, dead.

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