Berman, Shlomo (Sioma)

Berman, Shlomo (Sioma)

Shlomo (Sioma), son of Rachel and Yitzhak Berman, was born on May 31, 1925, in Istanbul, Turkey, during the journey of his parents from Russia to Israel, and was a month old on the day of their aliyah. His family settled in Tel Aviv. He was orphaned from his father at the age of 14 and from then on he took care of his mother’s welfare. When he was 19, Shlomo enlisted in the Jewish Brigade. With the declaration of the state, even before the draft order came into force, he hastened to join the Givati ​​Brigade. Shlomo served as the commander of the military police of the Shachana battalion in Gedera. When he was driving a truck in the guard between Gedera and Rehovot, he was attacked by gunfire and the truck overturned into a camouflaged pit and Shlomo fell from a great height. He was transferred to the hospital in Tel Aviv unconscious and died at the Yarkon Hospital under the surgeon’s scalpel from an internal hemorrhage, on the day of the 22nd of Nissan 5708 (1948) and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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