Berman, Menachem (Mendel)

Berman, Menachem (Mendel)

Son of Batsheva and Eliezer-Mordechai was born on May 26, 1909 in the city of Leo, Latvia, where he completed his elementary school and began to work as a printing press. He was a member of a choir and sang in the Israeli Opera choir in 1934. He moved to Ramat Yitzhak and settled in Ramat Hasharon, where he worked in agriculture. Menachem was an active member of the Haganah and among the first volunteers to serve in the Alexandroni Brigade. On the 9th of Tamuz, July 16, 1948, he fell in Tira and was brought to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. He left behind a wife, Tziporah, and a child.

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