Berman, Daniel

Berman, Daniel

Son of Aryeh and Panka. His father was one of the founders of Kibbutz Gat. Was born on October 21, 1946, in the kibbutz, when he was a toddler who was killed by his father, who fell from the bullets of the murderers in Faluja and was driving a truck transporting food to the lonely kibbutz and the siege. It was during the War of Independence. Daniel studied at the educational institution in Ghent and was involved in social life in his kibbutz. After completing his studies there, he was drafted, and in November 1965 he was drafted into the Armored Corps and was sent to the Armored Corps immediately after his enlistment and graduated with honors, serving as a platoon commander in his compulsory service, a testament to his abilities and talents. He served as a lieutenant and commanded a tank company until his last hour, during which he bravely fought to break through the fortifications of Rafah, and his unit was then sent to break through the gates of Gaza. He also took part in the reprisal operations, which is known as But on September 8, 1968 he fell in battle near the Mitla junction on the banks of the Suez Canal, commanding a tank company, and when the “vessel” was hit directly, Daniel found his death. .

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