Berl, Yitzhak (Rudy)

Berl, Yitzhak (Rudy)

Yitzhak (Rudy), son of Josephine and Michoel Berl, was born in 1922 in Rav, Hungary. He had a high school education and dreamed of a quiet work life. During the Second World War he suffered various hardships and in 1946 he and his wife immigrated to Israel on the Henrietta Szold and began rebuilding their lives here. The family settled in Kiryat Chaim and Yitzhak found his livelihood in construction work. He joined the Haganah and on March 28, 1948, he became a full-time member of the Carmeli Brigade. He was sent to the Upper Galilee and took part in all the battles that erupted there. With the resumption of fighting after the first truce, he took part in battles in the Mishmar Hayarden area to block Syrian attempts to break into Rosh Pina. In these battles he fell, on 3 Tamuz, July 10, 1948, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Rosh Pina, leaving behind a wife and two children.

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