Benziman, Moshe

Benziman, Moshe

Was born on 25.12.1923 in Jerusalem, the fifth generation of Rabbi Yitzchak Mahaslevich, a student of the Vilna Ga’on who immigrated to Israel in 1909 and founded the Ashkenazic community in Jerusalem, and a son of artists and builders in the Old Yishuv. He studied at Hadarim at Friedman’s ultra-Orthodox elementary school in the Mizrachi Teachers’ Seminary and was an active member and mentor of the Brith Hasmoneans youth movement, where he joined every difficult and difficult task and served as a model for his friends in his loyalty to the idea of ​​halakhah and practice and his devotion to liberation Homeland. (“Chips”) in his literary estate, which was also profound in contemplation of the ways of human life. Moshe continued his studies at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav in Hebron and at the same time was a free learner of Jewish studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1946 he moved to a life of work and protection in the Tirat Zvi group and married a wife, and after a year he married his father and strove with the courage of a man of faith and continued to fulfill his duty to life as an individual and a nation that required labor and sacrifice from each of its sons. Political agriculture). He devoted his spare time to learning Hebrew and creating a Hebrew-national atmosphere around him. When the establishment of the State of Israel was declared and the Arab armies attacked it from all sides, it felt obligated to come and participate in the defense of the homeland. On 27.6.1948 he arrived in Israel on the “Marine Karp”, and although he had the opportunity to go to Jerusalem, he did not go there to see his parents and family, but sent them food parcels anonymously, and his meeting with them was postponed after the victory. Moshe joined the Navy in the landing company. In the battles of the “Ten Days” between the first truce and the second, he was sent with his unit as reinforcements for action to break through the Negev. On the night of July 17-18, Operation “Death to the Intruder” was carried out in an attempt to break through the road to the Negev. For this operation, the landing company reinforced the Givati ​​Brigade and was ordered to attack the village of Beit ‘Aafa to the north, together with the Givati ​​company that attacked from the south. The landing company broke into the village and clung to its north, but the attack from the south failed. The Egyptians concentrated their efforts against the landing company that had seized the village and eventually had to retreat. Moshe took part in this battle heroically and with devotion and perished there with the rest of his friends on the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948). On the eve of the Sukkot holiday, bodies of Moshe’s body were discovered in the vicinity of Bet-Aafa, and his body was transferred to Jerusalem for burial on the 9th of Tishrei 5710 (October 9, 1949). 8.11.1951) was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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