Benyaminov, Alon

Benyaminov, Alon

Son of Avraham and Esther. He was born in Petah Tikva on May 16, 1953. He studied at the Achva School in Be’er Sheva for six years and in 1965 traveled with his family to the United States for a period of three and a half years, where he continued his studies. He continued his studies at the Kugel High School in Holon. When he reached the eleventh grade, Alon decided to acquire a profession and was accepted to the Air Force Technical School in Haifa and was trained as an aeronautical electronics technician, who was an active sports enthusiast and was actively involved in various sports. 1970 and was assigned to the Air Force. In the service he was employed in a profession he acquired – an electronics technician. Alon excelled as a disciplined and responsible soldier who fulfilled his duties efficiently and progressed to the satisfaction of all his superiors. On the 29th of Elul 5732 (September 3, 1972), Sgt. Alon died as a result of an illness and was put to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of the unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents: “He was very dear to us, a devoted and loyal fellow to his people and his country, who fulfilled his role in an exceptional manner, with great dedication and without any expense.” The commander added that “his talent and loyalty were recognized by us and marked him as an outstanding soldier in the department where he served.”

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