Benvenisti, Jacob

Benvenisti, Jacob

son of-Zion, was born in 1926 in Jerusalem. He was born to a devout family and at the age of four he began to study in a “cheder”. Jacob finished the boys’ school, studied shoemaking, left it for a while and worked in plumbing. He then returned to his first profession, married a wife and opened a shoe store with a partner. With the outbreak of the War of Independence after the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the partition of the land, he joined the Irgun in Jerusalem. He underwent training and took part in the occupation of Deir Yassin, and later went on to defense posts in the city. On 18.5.1948 he left for one of the positions in the commercial center in Jerusalem, was hit by a bullet and fell in. He was buried in Sanhedria on November 8, 1951. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Har- Herzl in Jerusalem.

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