Bendek, Binyamin (Benny) Bezalel

Bendek, Binyamin (Benny) Bezalel

Binyamin Bezalel, son of Miriam and Joseph Bendek, was born on 14.9.1951 in Rehovot. In May 1969, Benny enlisted in the IDF and volunteered to serve in the Shaked Reconnaissance Squadron, and was a quick, fearless soldier who surprised his commanders with his boldness. He was promoted to the rank of corporal, and was sent to the officers’ reconnaissance course. He was drafted into the Lebanese front, and he fell in battle in the Bekaa Valley on June 10, 1982, 31 years old. When he was killed he was promoted to the rank of captain, and he left behind a wife, son, daughter, parents and brother.

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