Ben-Zion, Binyamin (Bako)

Ben-Zion, Binyamin (Bako)

Binyamin (Bako), son of Sultana and Miko son of-Zion, was born on November 15, 1929 in the city of Plown, Bulgaria. He survived the hardships of the Second World War, and when it ended he immigrated to Kibbutz Hazeroa in October 1945 within the framework of the Hashomer Hatzair movement. He was very devoted to the kibbutz idea, was interested in aviation and knew how to play the accordion. On November 15, 1947, Binyamin joined the Palmach regiment in the Yiftah Brigade. He took part in the bombing of the Sheikh Hussein Bridge, in the battles of Kana, Qa’on near Tirat Zvi, and in the battle of Mishmar Ha’emek, where he was injured and returned to battle. Binyamin also participated in the battles of Zar’in, Zandala, and the Safed police and in search operations in the Upper Galilee. On the night of 15.5.1948 Binyamin went with his battalion to capture Malkia and Kadesh in order to stop the invasion from Lebanon. A few hours later a heavy counter-attack was launched against the enemy. In this battle Binyamin fell on the 6thof Iyar, May 15, 1948. He was a machine gunner. From the day he fell until the 16th of Cheshvan 5770 (November 3, 2009), his burial place was unknown. An IDF investigation determined that Binyamin was buried together with some of his friends in a mass grave at Kibbutz Maoz Haim. In his memory there was a ceremony for leaving of a gravestone in the cemetery in Maoz Haim.

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