Ben-Yizri, Aryeh

Ben-Yizri, Aryeh

Son of Yakov and Chava. immigrated from Morocco in 1949 and settled in Pardes Hannah. He was born on December 24, 1952, in Hadera, where he studied in first and second grades at the school in Pardes Chana, third grade at the Merkaz Elementary School in Haifa and graduated from the Shprinzak elementary school in the same city. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement and was a member of HaPoel in Haifa, where he practiced gymnastics in athletics and swimming, and his special hobby: collecting records and modern songs. “Ort” in Haifa, specializing in frameworks and workshops, and was considered a modest and quiet young man, but despite this he knew how to attract attention to him, and everyone knew him as a disciplined, orderly and meticulous child. He always liked to remember that he would not be willing to leave the city, as the parents had planned for work, and was drafted into the IDF in early February 1971 and assigned to the Armored Corps . When he came home on vacation, he would hasten to finish his private affairs and then shut himself up in his room with the phonograph and records and devote his time to listening and playing an electric guitar. He had many plans for the future, after his discharge from the army, but at the top of them was the strong desire to continue his studies, for Aryeh felt and knew that he had lost a lot of time to enlistment. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, among other things, the unit commander wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents: “During the short period that your son was with us, he managed to become fond of his friends and commanders. . As a devoted son and loyal soldier, Aryeh wanted to be a tank commander and an officer. And our impression, the commanders, was that Aryeh, just as he was a model soldier, would be an exemplary commander. “

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