Ben Yeshayahu (Dasa), Yosef

Ben Yeshayahu (Dasa), Yosef

Son of Sultana and Prociado (David) was born on 30.1.1925 in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. He was three years old from his father. He studied for a year in a Hebrew school in Sofia and in 1935 immigrated to Israel with his mother. He was educated in a youth center in Tel Litwinsky, and during the riots of 1936-1939, he was brought to Tel Aviv and attended Carmel, Ahad Ha’am and later the commercial school of the Balfour Gymnasium. He recovered from the depression of orphanhood, made friends with his stepfather, found his place in the youth society, and thanks to a developed musical hearing, he found particular satisfaction in playing the accordion. After graduating, he helped his parents work at their restaurant. From the age of 12 he was a member of the Hagam and Maccabi and joined the Haganah without the knowledge of his parents, who were very anxious for him and therefore asked for and was released from participating in the struggle against the British, but immediately after the Partition Plan, He served in the Givati ​​Brigade and participated in the operations of Jaffa, Jabalya, Salameh, Beit Dagon, Holon and Hulda, and finally, in the “Maccabi Campaign”, for the breakthrough to Jerusalem. ), Taking part in the armored patrol at Sha’ar Hagai, encountered an armored convoy of the Legion near Deir Ayyub, where it fell in battle. His body was found long after that and on the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1950) was brought to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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