Ben Tzur, Menachem (Manny)

Ben Tzur, Menachem (Manny)

Menachem, son of Sarah and Saadia Son of Tzur, was born in Tel Mond on July 21, 1953. He was a member of a large family that immigrated to Israel in 1949 in Operation Magic Carpet and settled in Tel Mond, where Menachem received a traditional education in his village. When the Yom Kippur War broke out he participated in the battles and was promoted to corporal after the war. On Monday, June 11, 1982, he toured the front line with his comrades. Near the village of al-Azzuniya he encountered a Syrian commando ambush. In an exchange of fire he was hit by a Syrian sniper and was killed. He was 29 when he died. He was laid to rest at the Ramle military cemetery. He left behind a wife, two daughters, parents, eight sisters and two brothers.

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