Ben-Tzadok, Jonathan

Ben-Tzadok, Jonathan

Son of Marco and Penny. He was born on August 16, 1943 in the city of Tashkent in the USSR. At the age of seven he entered elementary school in the city where he was born and after his parents immigrated to Israel in 1951, he continued his elementary studies at the Bialik School in Netanya, where he completed them. Afterward, he worked in the Israeli post until the age of eighteen, when he was drafted into the IDF in May 1961. After completing his service and being discharged from the army, he returned to the telephone service in the mail, and his friends, acquaintances, acquaintances, and superiors. He was on reserve duty, and on the first day of the Six Day War, he fell in Sinai in the battle before Abu-Agila, was buried in the military emergency cemetery in Bari, and was later transferred to the military cemetery His name was immortalized in the armored book “Our Battalion” and in the “Yizkor” booklet of the Netanya Municipality.

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