Ben-Tovim (Sharabi), Yefet

Ben-Tovim (Sharabi), Yefet

Son of Shoshana and Tovim. Born in 1920 in Yemen, he immigrated to Israel with his family and settled in Tel Aviv and Yefet began his studies in the “cheder.” When he grew up, he went to work and helped his father in the paving work to ease the family’s life. Yefet drove to the streets of his neighborhood, gathered around him the children of the neighborhood and organized them in social and cultural activities whether in singing and stories from Israeli legends or in sports games – soccer etc. He was also active in the synagogue where the family used to pray. And in the festivities he used to make the guests Simcha with his pleasant poetry, he listened attentively to the troubles of others, “He loved the country with all his Lev and soul and toured its paths, joining the Irgun underground and taking part in its activities against British rule. At the outbreak of World War II, Japheth joined the warriors of the Nazi enemy and joined the British army. He served in the cavalry corps. In March 1941, his unit was attached to the British Expeditionary Force, which was sent to Greece to arrest the German army that had invaded Greece. After heroic battles, the British Expeditionary Force was forced to surrender and its soldiers were captured by the Germans. Among the British prisoners were 1,500 Jewish soldiers from Eretz Israel, and Japheth among them. Four years of captivity passed on him and on the 18th of Nisan 5705 (1.4.1945), died in captivity and his burial place is unknown. He left parents, three brothers and a sister. An investigation conducted in 2017 found that he was murdered at ATHENS MEMORIAL, Athens, Greece. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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