Ben-Simon, Hananiah

Ben-Simon, Hananiah

Son of Shimon and Haviva. Born on December 10, 1939 in Casablanca, Morocco. In 1952 the family immigrated to Israel. When he immigrated to Israel, he entered a religious kibbutz of HaPoel Hamizrachi and stayed at Kibbutz Shluhot in the Beit She’an Valley. In July 1957, he was drafted into the IDF, and when he was discharged from the army, he worked as a construction worker until he managed to work in the mail and was called up for reserve duty from time to time.Hanania continued to work in the mail until he was called up again for reserve duty and fell on duty during his duty and due to his service on 10.1.168 (10.1) 1968). Was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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