Ben-Simhon, Yaakov

Ben-Simhon, Yaakov

Son of Fethiye and Rachel. Born on April 10, 1928 in Casablanca, Morocco, he completed his studies there at the Alliance School, where he began working as an apprentice in a printing press and even painted and discovered talents in this field. From the early age he belonged to the “Carl Netter” movement, where he studied the Hebrew language and became a spectator, and a few days later he sailed to Marseilles, where he entered an ORT school, In order to learn the mechanics of ships and to serve in the Hebrew Navy, and settled in Tel Aviv in July 1948. At an early age, he took his Lev to see the youth immigrate to Israel and do everything he could for this purpose. A service contract for three years in the permanent army and had to belong to the school of the Israeli Navy, but on August 18, 1949, he fell while fulfilling his duties and was brought to a world rest. At the Haifa military cemetery.

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