Ben-Shushan, Shimon

Ben-Shushan, Shimon

Son of Machluf and Massouda. Born in 1929 in the city of Tirura, Morocco, he studied at the Talmud Torah in his city and completed his studies at a French elementary school, and since 1946 he began to think about immigration to Israel and when the gates of Eretz Israel opened, To enlist in the IDF or the police in order to fulfill important functions of state aid. Even before he immigrated to Israel, he would say: “We will only immigrate to the Land of Israel – that is the main thing – even if we die!” When he came to Israel he made a living from shoemaking. Was drafted into the IDF at the end of 1949. On April 13, 1951, he fell in the line of duty and was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. A wife, two sons and a daughter, born two months after he fell.

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