Ben-Shitrit, Shimon (“Simo”)

Ben-Shitrit, Shimon (“Simo”)

Son of Maimon and Penny. He was born on 7/2/1950 in Jerusalem and studied at the elementary school and at the comprehensive vocational high school in Eilat, where he completed his studies as a mechanical locksmith, and after his family moved from there, joined sports organizations in Be’er Sheva and excelled In sports, and even practiced judo. In addition to sports, he was a photography enthusiast. Reading, listening to music and handicrafts (such as creating a bedside lamp and ashtrays from wood and iron). He was shy, kind and honest. No one has ever disappointed a person or upset others. He was naturally forgiving. He loved the country with all his Lev and admired its landscapes. So he used to go on trips all over the country. Shimon was drafted into the IDF in February 1968, before his enlistment date, because he was fascinated by military life, and he always dreamed of a military career: On the 29th of Iyar 5729 (29.4.1969) he fell while serving in Beit Shean, near Kibbutz Maoz Haim was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva, and his unit commander sent a condolence letter to his family on behalf of the unit commander and soldiers. His friends note that he always had a comfortable disposition and sang a relaxing atmosphere in his smile, during tension or quarrel. In the eyes of his soldiers, he was seen as a good-hearted and honest commander. He was comfortable and pleasant in his ways, brought vitality and spirit to every operation he took on himself and properly followed every order he received from his commanders. He loved his colleagues in the platoon and the platoon,

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