Ben-Shalosh, Zion

Ben-Shalosh, Zion

Zion, son of Hannah and Nissim, was born on January 28, 1950 in Meknes, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1965. He studied at the Talmud Torah in Meknes and continued his studies at the elementary school in Casablanca. After graduating from elementary school, he wanted to immigrate to Israel, and his parents, who were afraid to let him go on his own, immigrated with him to the Ostrovsky High School in Ra’anana. Afterward he completed his studies in the vocational school Technikom “in Tel Aviv, with the aim of regrets and after graduating he was hired as a craftsman at the Israel Aerospace Industries Zion was a sports fan and participated in many soccer competitions, and he devoted himself to helping others, honest and conscientious, a loyal and devoted son to his parents, and he volunteered to marry his wife and establish a home in Israel. To serve in the IAF, but in the medical examinations it became clear that he could not be a pilot due to a flaw in his vision, and therefore asked to join the Armored Corps. After basic training he paid a course for tank commanders Patton. He spent most of his military service in Sinai and participated in the War of Attrition. His commander attests to him, who fulfilled his duties properly and efficiently in operational activity. For this he was awarded the “Operational Service Award”. As a thoughtful and dedicated son, he tried not to worry his parents, and during the war he made sure to write home every day to remove fears from his family. During the Yom Kippur War, Zion took part in the braking battles against the Egyptians on the Sinai front. On October 16, 1973. He was killed and killed in the battle that took place in the central sector of the Suez Canal near the “Chinese Farm.” His body was later identified and he was brought to rest in the cemetery in Ra’anana, Mother, three brothers, and four sisters, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant, in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “His actions and his persistence in the war served his comrades as a source of strength. He was loved and accepted by his friends and commanders. “His parents donated a Torah scroll to his synagogue in Ra’anana.

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