Ben-Shalom, Gabriel

Ben-Shalom, Gabriel

Gabriel ben Shalom and Ahuva. He was born on the 12th of Elul, September 15, 1959 in Petah Tikva. He studied at the “Yesodei Hatorah” elementary school and continued his studies at Yeshivat Tiferet Tzvi and Hometat Zion in Bnei Brak and at the Hazon Yehezkel Teachers’ Seminary. Gabriel was a diligent and energetic friendly student. In February 1978, he was drafted into the IDF, and after completing basic training he was assigned to the Signal Corps. On the 2nd of Heshvon, November
2nd 1978 Gabriel fell in the line of duty. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Petah Tikva. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of the unit wrote: “Gabriel was full of joy, always with a smile on his face, and he accepted, with understanding and good humor each task given to him even if his work was not always easy and interesting.

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