Ben-Shabbat, Yosef

Ben-Shabbat, Yosef

Joseph, son of Esther and Nissim, was born on March 31, 1951, in Casablanca, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1963. He studied at Geula Elementary School in Israel and later completed his studies at the religious school in Kfar Hasidim. Joseph was a diligent student, loved to study and won excellent grades, was a sports fan and took part in soccer and basketball competitions held in his school, he loved music and listened to various musical programs. He spent many hours reading books and most of all loved to read literature Yosef was drafted into the IDF in early July 1971. After basic training, he was sent to an air force base in the north as a salesman. Despite his state of health, he was not released from regular service, and he continued to fulfill his duty to the people and the state until his last day. During the Yom Kippur War, Yosef served in his unit at the Air Force base in the north. On October 18, 1973, he was killed in an airplane crash at the site of his guard duty. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Nahariya. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Yosef was a disciplined soldier, quiet and dedicated, and he fulfilled all the tasks he was willingly and industriously entrusted to him.” His comrades in the unit set up a soldiers’ club at the Air Force base.

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