Ben-Said, Sydney

Ben-Said, Sydney

Son of Prosper and Marcel. He was born on 25 September 1943 in Oran, Algeria. After completing his studies in an elementary school abroad, the family immigrated to Israel in 1961. Sydney enrolled in the Ulpan in Kibbutz Mefalsim. He belonged to the “Maccabi” team in Dimona because in his spare time he loved to play sports and took an active part in soccer team games. In February 1962 he was drafted into the IDF and after his regular service he was released and wrote a “disciplined and loyal soldier.” From that day he worked as a spokesman for the Dead Sea Works and from early age he practiced boxing theory and participated in various competitions. – Sidney went out and threw himself into the battle and was cool when he ran to help the wounded, and this willingness was to encourage his friends.In the same battle, which was held southeast of Umm Katef in Sinai on June 6, 1967, The first day of the battles, Sydney fell when the enemy shell hit the arsenal of artillery, and was buried in the emergency military cemetery in Bari and later was buried in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.In the journal Maccabi Israel, Maccabim, his memory was raised. In the booklet “In Memory”, issued by the municipality of Dimona, his name was immortalized. In Yaniv, which was published by the Dead Sea Works, it was mentioned

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