Ofer, son of Ruth and Amnon, from Kiryat Anavim, was born on April 4, 1953 in Kiryat Anavim. He studied at the regional school in the Judean Hills and continued in the continuing classes at the regional school. In 1969 he went to Holland with his family, on behalf of the Habonim movement, studied for one year at the School for the Children of the Apostles in Paris and later graduated from Kiryat Anavim High School. Ofer was very interested in the fields. His educator testifies that “in order to acquire knowledge, he was able to fight and overcome the educational material, and he was closed and withdrawn and stood alone in this battle.” And his parents say: “Whatever he did, with every task he took upon himself, he strove for completeness and perfection.” During his high school years, he also worked diligently in the dairy industry and in the workshop. There was intense love for music for its various periods: classical music, modern music, pop music and underground music. He had a large collection of records and many recordings of tape recordings. He also played clarinet and was praised for his achievements. Ofer was tall, freckled and blue-eyed, looking straight and warm. He had a refined taste and was always careful about his appearance, and his neat hairstyle. Love was in him, and he was careful not to hurt others. In every person, he saw the positive and the good, and ignored the negation. Serious in his approach to life and loved by all those around him, he was skeptical and rebelled against conventions, against the establishment and against the strict laws. He had the talent of a story teller and would fascinate his listeners with his stories, He had a sense of humor and liked to joke and imitate public figures, his educators, and his commanders. He was active in the social life of his classmates in high school and was a central and influential figure in the children’s association in Kiryat Anavim. He was a sports fan and traveled a lot, devoted a lot of time for reading, and in his library, there were many brochures and articles that dealt with armored forces and from them, he drew a lot of technological knowledge. Because of his identification with the Armored Corps, years before he enlisted, he read the book “Exposed in the Turret” and read it again. Ofer was drafted into the IDF in early 1971 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, and he was persuaded to volunteer to serve in one of the best combat units, such as the commando unit or the naval commando, But his request was rejected because of the excess of too many students He was sent to train tank crews and was very satisfied with the training, and Ofer was an excellent tank commander, and he was trained as a tank commander, He loved to take care of the tank and his treatment was excellent, and because of his love for his job, he refused to accept the role of sergeant of operations, and his soldiers loved him very much and preferred him from other commanders, Problematic. “When the Yom Kippur War broke out he was sent with his unit to the front in the Golan Heights In the course of the war, several tanks were replaced, after they were injured in the battles On October 17, 1973, on the seventh day of the war, A member of his crew said that he left the turret to fire a machine gun at the attacking planes, and was brought to rest in Kiryat Anavim, leaving behind a father, mother, brother and two sisters. was promoted to First Sergeant.