Ben Moha, Yosef (Yossi)

Ben Moha, Yosef (Yossi)

Lucky and Aaron. Joseph (Yossi) was born in Haifa, in the Kiryat Shmuel neighborhood in the north of the city on Tuesday, 31 January 1979. He was a young brother of Hannah and a older brother of Kfir, who was born with a sloping foot and at an early age underwent surgery to straighten his foot and bone He liked to get close to his mother when she rested and breathed in her ear like a puppy, or he liked to play matches with his friends – but everything was good-natured, he could apologize if he interfered and always made sure to clean up after him Yossi grew up in Kiryat Shmuel, where he studied until the eighth grade in a religious state school called “Aharon HaRoeh”, and then went to study at the Meged Yeshiva Or “Rabbi Grossman of Migdal Haemek, two years later, sitting back to Haifa, and graduated from high school Ironi Kiryat Haim, the trend of auto mechanics. Yossi had excellent relations with all his family, and in all his actions he brought great pride to his parents, his brothers and the whole family. He was especially connected to Hani, his older sister, who often helped him with money or gave him her car. From an early age, Yossi understood the economic situation at home, made do with little in order not to burden him, and went to work to help the family. Very diligent, he quickly found a job as a pizzeria, and from this wage he paid for driving lessons, passed a first test, and with his money bought a Fiat 127 that served him and his friends on their many occasions. His savings were even used for a trip to Cyprus before he enlisted in the army, and Yossi grew up and became a very popular young man, always surrounded by friends with whom he was careful to maintain good relations. “His joy of life was so contagious, An event or any meeting that would take place without it. “Yossi had the soul of a child, loved to dance and have fun and enjoyed various kinds of foolishness, but also an adult of his age who helped many others at any time and need, and often gave up his rights for his friends. “A dear friend who always listens, who is always there for you,” Yossi, a friend of Yossi’s, said, “Thank you for being there for us every minute and every phone call.” Yossi loved very much sports He played soccer regularly, even during vacations from the army, and spent a lot of time with friends. “Inbal, Yossi’s girlfriend, said:” So many good memories, Mo you were, a true friend, worried, loving. I remember sitting under my house the night before enlisting and playing cards all night because you were too excited to go to bed. And I remember how clubs always shouted ‘I’m stoned’ and always always set us up to dance, even when I ran out of strength. “Yossi joined the army on October 14, 1997. After completing his studies in automotive mechanics, he was assigned to this field, As a combat soldier in the Golani Brigade, and he objected to being hired as a mechanic.was insisting that he had even spent some time in a military prison and succeeded, and was assigned to the Golani Brigade. From the start of his training, Yossi stood out in his motivation to serve. He always took the first step, led the guys, volunteered to carry a stretcher or stay on Saturdays. Yossi successfully completed the training and was a fighter and a fighter in the company, continuing to cultivate another dream of his – to move from the contact company to a company of fighters in Battalion 51. Yossi was very proud of his service, and progressed to the rank of corporal. Despite the difficult service, Yossi managed to take advantage of the vacations to go to work, and all his wages were transferred to his family. Yossi was killed in a battle in Lebanon on November 16, 1998. On the morning of the same day, the force stationed at the outpost leftIn southern Lebanon for operations, when Yossi leads the force. In the explosion of a roadside bomb near the fence, Yossi was critically wounded. He was taken by helicopter to the hospital in Safed, but despite the efforts of the medical team, he died of his wounds a few hours later. Yossi fell with Sergeant Nachum Ella and Sergeant Raz Promovitz. Yossi was nineteen when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Kiryat Yam cemetery. Survived by his parents, sister and brother. Yossi was raised after his fall to the rank of sergeant. The family held an evening in memory of Yossi and gathered in the album the things that the participants, family members and friends, including memories of Yossi who knew him and Frida. At the beginning of the album Yossi’s brother wrote: “I would be happy to write in this book memories of each and every one of you, who will assemble the puzzle so big – Yossi Ben Moha, a boy who loved so much his friends, his family, his friends in the army … Thank you for sharing our memories, because the stories and memories leave Yossi alive and kicking – in our hearts, in our heads and in our souls. ” Inbal wrote, “Yossi, as I wrote to you in the past, I write now, I hope you are well where you are, and I know you are safe from the top, the friends, the family. Hila, a friend of Yossi, wrote: “Years passed and it was like yesterday, sometimes even a song or a laugh in the background reminds him of the moments, the embrace, the sucking of the neck. So just so you know an expensive family, and you too, Yossi, that we think of you every minute, even before I got married, I told my husband about the lovely and charming friend we lost. ” Uzi, a friend of Yossi, wrote: “I try to think what life would be like if you were … sure, funny … One thing I’m sure you would still be my brother, we would still consult and share everything with each other. I’ll always remember you, in everything I do. ” A man wrote, a friend of Yossi: “I write a wet shelf / tears from a painful heart / like the rain they flow / leaf through the pictures / Once again memories come to me … // A wheel of pain that rotates / Time sows flowers of pain / I am always deep in my heart … // I can not forget … No / Nights I sit and cry / I can not forgive … No / Nights I sit and wait // The sorrow blurs reality when you fall / The pain does not stop since I lost / The fate of a winged wing / that painful night rising to heaven. ” “You’re so lacking, your presence, your laughs, your occupying smile, your snores … I keep trying to describe how life would look with you and not without you, and I have no doubt that it was much more interesting,” wrote Dikla, Yossi’s cousin. More funny and amusing and I have no doubt that we would remain not only cousins ​​but good friends and friends as we were then … I want to ask you to protect us from above, and I am sure you continue to smile and be happy up there too. ” Yossi is commemorated at the Golani Brigade memorial site at the Golani Junction in the north and at the memorial site for the Kiryat Shmuel neighborhood in Haifa.

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