Ben Kochav, Yaron

Ben Kochav, Yaron

Ben Margalit and Binyamin. Yaron was born in Petah Tikva on August 29, 1961. He studied at the Yad Labanim elementary school and graduated from Ahad Ha’am High School. Immediately afterwards he served in an artillery unit and participated in the Lebanon War. Six months after his discharge from the army, Yaron enlisted in the police, and after a brief training he was sent as a policeman to the Taibeh police. He specialized in the Arab sector, where he served for eleven years. Yaron then worked with detainees. Yaron belonged to the kind of police officer who knew how to make connections in the community. A law-abiding policeman, but in a pleasant way. The Arab sector knew him well. The city’s secretary Abdul Majid was in contact with him and praised him, as well as Taibeh municipality spokesman Abdul Rahim. Yaron was a young man, strong, healthy, hungry for life. A cop who liked to be a cop, the police was his world, his hobby and his profession. Yaron married Michal, to the Yosha family from the founders of Tel Aviv. Michal and Liron had two children – Gal and Sivan. On Saturday, 13.5.1995, Yaron collapsed while he was playing soccer at Taibeh between the teams of Baka Al Garbiyeh and Barta’a West, a game that had to determine which of the teams would go up to the second division. All resuscitation attempts failed. First sergeant Yaron was thirty-three years old when he fell. He was buried in a full police ceremony in the military section of Hod Hasharon, in the presence of many policemen and officers. Deputy District Commander Yehuda Bachar eulogized him.

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