Ben-Horin, Yuval

Ben-Horin, Yuval

Ben Sarah and Joseph. Born in Tel Aviv on July 23, 1958, he studied at Gordon Elementary School in Givatayim, Yuval’s mother died when he was a boy, and moved to Kibbutz Gal-On, where he completed his elementary and high school studies. At the beginning of November 1976, he was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he underwent a course as a fighter and a course for tank commanders. His last job in the regular service was a non-commissioned officer, and his release certificate states that he is “a quiet, dedicated and very responsible soldier. “On his day in the army, he was appointed to the IDF Military Cemetery in Kiryat Ono, Shaul, who left behind a father and a brother, Alon, wrote in a letter of condolences to the family: “Yuval was a devoted soldier and a devoted friend, loved by his friends. All the commanders of the unit are in pain of his death. “

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