Ben-Horin, Yaakov (“Yankele”)

Ben-Horin, Yaakov (“Yankele”)

Yaakov, son of Yitzhak and Shedra son of-Horin, was born on June 11, 1922 in the city of Kirkuk, Iraq, where he graduated from elementary school. In 1941 he immigrated to Israel and two years later (1943) served as a policeman in the British army. In this service he spent two years (until 1945) and then began to be active in the underground Haganah service. He was one of the oldest builders in Jerusalem. Jacob participated in battles of the War of Independence and was found for several months on Mount Scopus during the siege of Jerusalem. He would then go on reserve duty when he was called. When the Sinai Campaign broke out he went out and took part in it. At the outbreak of the Six-Day War, he served in the Haganah and on his way to the place of deployment for the purpose of fulfilling his duties on the first day of the battles, on the 5th of Iyar 5727 (June 5, 1967), he fell in the defense of Jerusalem as a result of the shelling. He left a wife, two sons and two daughters, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Givat Shaul.

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