Ben Horin, Amram

Ben Horin, Amram

Son of Yehuda and Tikva. He was born on September 8, 1939 in Petah Tikva. His father immigrated from America, his native country, with his wife, in the year that Amram was born and was among the founders of Kibbutz Kfar Menachem. Amram completed his studies at the kibbutz elementary school and later moved to an educational institution (a regional high school) in Kibbutz Negba, where he spent his youth in the “Sa’ar” group. He tended to literature and loved classical music. He was pleasant, intelligent and reasonable; Pay with himself and save the spirit. Straight through and straight looking properly to a noble soul. After completing his army service as an officer in the rank of lieutenant in the Golani Brigade, he participated as a sabotage officer in a reprisal attack on Novik, As commander of a reconnaissance unit that was involved in rescue, sabotage and evacuation – and the force was parked in the grove of Nahal Oz south of Gaza.Iram moved towards the enemy positions through A bare field and a minefield, and he leads a road leading his battalion On the first day of the Six-Day War, he managed to transfer considerable force to the positions of the enemy, and on the eve of the battalion’s capture of the targets with heavy casualties, Amram worked on rescuing, arming and refueling, and on the morning of 27 June 1967 ), After the air force bombardment, the battalion attacked and captured an outpost at the eastern entrance to Gaza.In the afternoon the order came to go up to Gaza and then a very cruel battle began from house to house and roof to roof. Military emergency in Bari and was later transferred to eternal rest in the Kfar Menachem cemetery. The commander of his unit, in his letter to the family, notes that “his actions, accomplishments and resourcefulness in the battles, personally and with the leadership of his people, contributed to the best possible mission for the IDF’s victory in this war of our sons of light.” His brother Yochanan also fell in the Six-Day War. The ten-thousand trees were planted in the Jerusalem Corridor by the Association of American Immigrants in Israel in memory of the four members of the Association, and the two brothers, among them an American family (Lipman) In the streets there is a scientific foundation for the study of birds in their memory, “Kibbutz Menahem and Kfar Menachem published a large book about the two brothers,” Sons of Chorin. “In the book” Six After the War, “Yossi Gamzu tells the story” both as one “about the brothers, Yochanan and Amram; This book was translated into English and printed in the United States, in the booklet “53 of them” in memory of the fallen members of Kibbutz Artzi who fell in the Six Day War. ‘- printed part of his estate. The story of his life and death was presented in the book “Nizkor” published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Student Union, edited and edited by Yehuda the civilian. In the 2017 investigation, it was emphasized that the brigade commander’s citation was converted into a masterpiece.

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