Ben, Giora

Ben, Giora

Son of Paula and Alfred. He was born on January 30, 1943 in Kiryat Motzkin. A twin brother to Eli, and a younger brother to his older sister Nurit. Giora spent his childhood in the local education system in Kiryat Motzkin – in kindergarten and at the Achdut elementary school. His father was a successful radio technician (“high-tech” in those days), and gave his son the love of technology in general and radio and electronics in particular. Therefore, at the end of his elementary studies, Giora asked to learn the profession. He studied at the Technion’s vocational school in Haifa for one year, but wanted to focus on the electronics industry, and thus found himself in the Air Force Technical School in Haifa. During his vacations and vacations, his father was very helpful to his father in his work at the radio repair shop (television was not yet a common item in Israel) and audio systems, and Giora’s hobby became his profession, thus building and improving stereophonic audio systems that were then considered to be an advanced innovation. In addition, Giora Hobav was a popular musician, and he even participated in an attempt to establish a group of musicians He also played basketball, and was a member of the Maccabi Kiryat Motzkin children’s and boys’ group, along with his twin brother Giora, who was very fond of riding. “Giora was trained in the field of electric warfare and machine guns, and it was only natural for him to be drafted into the air force. He enlisted in May 1961, and at the end of basic training he was assigned to serve in one of the air force bases in southern Israel. After a few months he was transferred to another nearby Air Force base, and was first treated with the instruments of one of the advanced planes of those days. Giora died before he was nineteen years old. On the 14th of Tevet 5722 (December 14, 1961), while working on the new and modern airplane, while dealing with the device in the cockpit, an accident occurred and Giora was killed and brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, In the memory of Giora, his girlfriend Nili Kolkovsky (now Eldar) initiated a basketball tournament in his name, which was held for several years at the Achdut elementary school in Kiryat Motzkin, where Nili also donated the trophy trophy to the winner. Giora and the wing in which he was stationed maintain contact with family members, and the family is regularly invited to the events of the IAF’s memory and other events.

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