Ben-Eli (Elkind), Yitzhak

Ben-Eli (Elkind), Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Mari and Nahum Son of-Eli, was born in 1913, in Kovno, Lithuania. In 1933 he immigrated to Eretz Israel, enlisted in the Betar recruitment companies and later joined the Irgun underground. He worked in a building and later worked for the “Ze’ev” citrus fruit company in the Haifa port. In 1940 he joined the British Army and served in the Operations Company of the Ports. There, too, he stood out for his special qualities and was soon promoted to sergeant. He fought on the front of Greece and was captured by the Germans. He fell in captivity on December 30, 1941. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Cracow, where he left a wife and a daughter.

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