Ben-David, Menachem

Ben-David, Menachem

Son of Asael and Shoshana. He was born in the city of Kiryat Anavim, where his parents worked, and again in Toulouse, France, where he lived in Shfeya, where his father served as a teacher, and later in Kiryat Anavim. Where his parents studied in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agriculture at the University, and two years later, at the Talpiot study farm, and after a year the father enlisted in the British army, and his mother moved to Ma’aleh Hahamisha, but after completing the first grade The parents of Givat Brenner (the father as a teacher and the mother) worked there for seven full years, and when the father was accepted as a government official in the Ministry of Agriculture and the family moved to Jerusalem, Menahem entered eighth grade And continued his studies at the high school, but here he did not do anything but one year – because the atmosphere at home, the father’s daily activities, and the stories about the past and the veteran agricultural family – all these, in addition to his love He led him to one place: to an agricultural school, where he was accepted to the Kadouri school, where he studied until his studies were completed. “And as a member of the” Galilee Community “participated in various labor camps (in Geva, Ayelet Hashachar and Kfar Blum). At the end of January 1956, Menahem was conscripted into the IDF as part of the Nahal Brigade, and after a while, together with his friends in Beit Haemek, the movement proposed to take them down to Yardvata. Menahem was opposed to completing an existing agriculture and from the day he left Givat Brenner he dreamed of a new settlement point and within his core he was fighting for independence. Menahem therefore supported the proposal to descend to Ein-Radyan and his opinion was accepted, and in the stormy days of the Sinai Campaign, the members descended to their new outpost. Here Menahem ran the field of fodder and fodder, where he specialized in Kadouri. He was an outstanding athlete and won several honors. He participated in the crossing of the Sea of ​​Galilee to the plaza and even in the Nachal parade, and arrived with the “Hof” group for a march in Holland in July 1956. He loved music, played flute and accordion and had an evening voice. But on the brink of the formation of a paratroop unit, Menachem embarked on a daring operation, which was also the last of his operations: On the way to Petra, on the 19th of Adar 5737 (19.3) . He fell with his three friends to a tour of enemy bullets. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In the 1930s, his friends in Ein-Radyan-Yotvata took out a booklet in his memory. In the year 1959, his parents published a book called “Up to Twenty,” containing a collection of letters and a collection of letters of his own.In Ein-Radian a stone monument was erected – Yad Menachem, and on the Arava road (two kilometers south of Be’er-Menucha) On the way to Red Rock, a library was dedicated to the nature of the country and was established at the Kadouri School, a nomadic prize for the sports championship in the agricultural schools, and a prize for swimming in the elementary schools in Jerusalem.

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