Ben Basset, Meir

Ben Basset, Meir

Son of Boca and Albert (Avraham), was born on the 12th of Adar, in the city of Philippi (Philipopoul), Bulgaria, and studied in the local Hebrew school. In 1944 he immigrated to Israel, worked as a mechanic at Kibbutz Dafna. Until late at night he was helping his friends and in the midst of a quarrel between friends he would reconcile them. With the departure of his training group to the final point in Misgav Am Meir was among the first builders. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, Meir fought in the ranks of the Yiftach Brigade, took part in battles in the Upper Galilee, and on the 8th of Iyar, May 17, 1948 he fell in combat during the conquest of the police fortress in Nebi Yusha in the Galilee. He was buried in Chaluta.

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