Ben-Artzi (Fasciocher), Yitzhak (“Itzik”)

Ben-Artzi (Fasciocher), Yitzhak (“Itzik”)

Son of Tzadok and Chaya. He was born on 13.4.1927 in Be’er Tuvia; From the descendants of the Rabbi of Peshiska; His grandfather was the rabbi of Lublin, Poland. The parents immigrated to Israel in 1924 and settled in Be’er Tuvia. But with the outbreak of the bloody riots in 1929 they moved to Jerusalem and settled there. Until the age of ten, he studied at the “Etz Chaim” yeshiva and completed his high school studies as an academic student. Studied public administration course and then sent by “Kupat Holim” to study health administration. Since then he has been a counselor at the Kupat Cholim Center. Was recently a resident of Givatayim. He was involved in electronics and was a component and builder of transistor radios for his pleasure. He liked his spare time in carving wood. Was talented in manual labor and was said to be “golden hands” for him. He was a member of the Haganah and during the War of Independence he took part in the battles in Jerusalem and since then was one of the pillars of his brigade, taking part in all the battles with discretion, humility, and concern for his comrades. When the Sinai Campaign broke out, he took part in it. During the Six-Day War he served as the platoon commander and in the battle for a forward position on Mount Zion on the 28th of Iyar 5727 (7.6.1967), the third day of the battles, fell as one of the most senior officers on the defense of the capital. In a letter of condolence to the family, the commander of his company writes that he would show dedication and devotion to the various tasks he took upon himself, and “even in the difficult moments, he encouraged his soldiers and by example of his actions succeeded in instilling in them a sense of security and courage.” It made him love his friends and admire his subordinates. He left a wife and two children. Was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. The Municipal Information Bulletin and the local life of the Givatayim municipality were mentioned; Also in “The Book of the Fallen” published by the Givatayim Municipality.

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