Ben-Amram, Eliezer (Eli)

Ben-Amram, Eliezer (Eli)

Son of Esther and Shalom was born on April 16, 1927, in Jerusalem. He studied at the Alliance School in Tel Aviv, he joined the kibbutz hachshara in Kibbutz Alonim. He loved agricultural work and did his duty in training and traveling. A year later he returned to Jerusalem, and again he went to the hachshara, this time at Beit Hashita. In his letters to his father in Tel Aviv and to his mother in Jerusalem, he tried to convince them and to influence them not to be interested in the details of his duties and not to worry about him. In the fall of 1947, after completing his two years of training in the Palmach, he returned to Jerusalem on vacation, and with the outbreak of the War of Independence after the UN General Assembly in November 1947 he joined the Haganah in Jerusalem. In the spring of 1948 he was called to return to the Palmach, to the “Yiftach” Brigade, and to participate in the conquest of Lod and in battles on the Latrun front. His unit was transferred to the south and his battalion carried out the opening operation of the “Yoav” operation for the breakthrough to the Negev – the seizure of the Beit Hanoun wedges on the night of 15-16 October 1948. This move was intended to disconnect the Egyptian forces north of Gaza and to mislead them regarding the main effort. The Egyptians attacked the fortresses with great force, and in this battle fell on the 14th of Tishrei 5749 (October 17, 1948) near Beit Hanun and was buried in Dorot. On the 7th of Tammuz 5710 (22.6.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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