Ben-Ami, Shmuel

Ben-Ami, Shmuel

Shmuel, son of Regina and Joseph, was born on May 3, 1934, in Izmir, Turkey, where he attended elementary school. He immigrated to Israel in 1949 and studied at an educational institution at Kibbutz Gal-Ad and at the Ben-Shemen Institute. Samuel’s childhood was spent in his hometown, and when he was about fifteen he expressed his desire to immigrate to Israel. He fulfilled his wishes and made Aliya through Youth Aliyah. Shmuel was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1952 and served as a combat soldier in a heavy battalion of mortars, and did not complete the period of regular army service and was released because he was burdened with the burden of supporting the family. A few years after his immigration to Israel, his parents, brothers, and sisters joined him, and since his father was blind, Shmuel supported his parents and helped them throughout his life until he fell in the Yom Kippur War. He worked as a steelworker and as an aircraft engineer in Israel Aircraft Industries, where he worked for about seven years and did well He was awarded the “Employee of the Year” by the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) for a period of time, and during the Six-Day War he was a member of the Israel Police, and his entire life was the head of his family, and he was unable to study. He was a painkiller for his brother and his little sisters, Frances, always with their help, guidance and education, and all the family’s need for him was a tragedy in his family when he parted from his first wife, despite Who was very attached to his little son. Shortly before the Yom Kippur War, he remarried, as if a new leaf had opened in his life, for he found happiness and peace with his second wife. All these years the family had been at the top of his mind, despite the difficulties and hard work. When he did not live with his parents, he made sure to write letters to them regularly describing his new work and his hope for a little happiness and relaxation in his turbulent life. In the Yom Kippur War, Shmuel served in his reserves unit, a heavy battalion of heavy mortars, which fought in the Golan Heights. During the first days of the war, the battalion was engaged in bringing down the Syrian forces, which broke into the Golan Heights. On the 10th of Tishrei 5734 (10.10.1973), Shmuel was hit and killed in the bombing of Syrian aircraft on his battalion and brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Nahariya. He left behind a wife, a son (from a previous marriage), parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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