Ben-Ami, Shalom

Ben-Ami, Shalom

Shalom, son of Luna and Shimon Son of-Ami, was born in 1965 in the city of Akko. In mid-January 1985, he was drafted into the IDF, and was assigned to the Communications Corps, where he completed a course in communications and electronics technicians, and was assigned to the communications unit in the Galilee Division. On the eighth of Cheshvan 5749 (October 19, 1988), while serving in the army with a convoy of jeeps that entered Lebanon on a routine mission, Shalom’s jeep approached a car bomb and a deadly and cruel explosion cut off the life of eight soldiers, Shalom among them. He was buried in the military cemetery in Nahariya. Survived by his parents, and two sisters – Sima and Esther.

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